(Simple) Implementation Process

Hands Free Coach Implementation Plan

You’re curious about the process to integrate this patented, interactive and hands-free tool into your organization. Performance improvement is just a short journey from here.

Once you’ve spent time seeing and hearing the Pythia app the solution ((TRY IT!), (when you want to evaluate this tool), you’ll want to begin by identifying your key stakeholders.

Who will champion this initiative? Which admin people will upload SOPs and offer help to team members? Which managers will monitor performance results of team members use of Hands Free Coach? What plan will be created to reinforce best practices?

Hands Free Coach Performance Color Key

Goal: Enable Hands Free Coach users to quickly identify best practices and coaching opportunities, using performance data

Project Steps:

Evaluate the system / define the possibilities

Calculate financial impact

Budget approval and signed client agreement

Form project team of leadership, managers, admins and user representative(s)

Identify project goals & timeline

Create Project Tasks:
Content Plan (identify SOPs)
Upload Pythia App for users
Upload and test SOPs
Train leadership and admin to use analytics
Train team members to use SOPs live
Leadership analysis – respond and adjust to individual and team data
Create a program to share best practices and coaching opportunities
Coach users for accountability toward performance improvement

CONTACT US today to see how we can help your organization implement and use our patented, interactive and hands-free technologies to improve your performance.

“The best – maybe the only? – real, direct measure of ‘innovation’ is change in human behaviour.”
– Stewart Butterfield, co-founder of Flickr